Logo Use Policy

The use of the Noosom: The Story of Your Life logo or company name in text represents our organization’s signature. As such, we actively control the use of this mark by any and all companies. The logo is used primarily by the Noosom organization.

Permission for appropriate business use of these logos for marketing, print and web applications is freely granted and encouraged.
Inappropriate or abusive use of the secondary logos is prohibited.

Noosom: The Story of Your Life Logo Marks

This information outlines proper use of our organization and secondary logos for marketing, print and web applications. 

Graphic Use

The Noosom organization logo should be used on Noosom’s wholly owned publications and web sites, and also on meeting notices, programs and other promotional literature, signage, and products. On publications, it is recommended that the logo appear on the front cover and title page, if any.

The logos may not be altered or deformed in shape or size proportions in any way.

Do’s & Don’ts

  • Do not replace the logo type with a different typeface or non-authorized colour.
  • Do not use the logos or logo type as an element in titles, headlines or text.
  • Do not set type near or next to the logos that could be construed as an organization slogan or motto.
  • Only the complete, official logos in solid form may be used. (Hand drawn or deformed versions are not permitted.)
  • Neither the whole nor any recognizable parts may be incorporated into another logo unless designed and authorized for use by Noosom: The Story of Your life.
  • The logo should not be obscured by any other design, lettering, etc.
  • When multiple logos are displayed on the same page, the Noosom logo must occupy an area roughly equal to all other logos (as practical).
  • The logo should not be used frivolously.
  • Use in PowerPoint slides and on web sites is subjective, and we only request that it is proportionate to other logos or company graphics.
Approved Logos (Colour & Inverted)
Scalable Vector Graphic Format (SVG):
Secondary Logo Marks (SVG):