Premium 1 - Better Diary Features, Story Of Your Life & Maps

₹2,000, £20, $24 or €24 Per Year

The Noosom Premium 1 Plan includes an app for your phone and tablet as well as a web system to allow you to display, create and manage your diary entries and data. You get more mapping features and more storage.


Every user has a dashboard that displays recent posts, mood analysis, storage usage and revolving random images from their image gallery
Everything you need to tell your life story from conception, through childhood, marriage and old age. Your life journey and wishes after death, including sending video messages after you have passed

About Me

Your details, homes, friends, Lists and information for mapping, health, your birth, marriage & extended families

My Diary / Journal Planner

The diary section now has more views, data grids, lists, diary entries by day, by week, month and a full year selection view
Diary entries are displayed as cards and these can be a list view or grid view

My Life Journey on a Map

Diary Posts with a location can be displayed on a map to show your life's journey
Your travels, homes and posts on a world map showing your life journey in sequence

My Pastimes & Hobbies

Record details of your pastimes and hobbies

My Blog

New Blog section for Private, shared and 100% public Blog posts
See Blog posts friends and family have shared with you and also posts from around the world

My Image Gallery

Images, photos, videos with tagging and searching

My Life Story

Start to describe the story of your life - includes short, medium and detailed sections

Me on the Web

Lists of everywhere you appear on the internet
One-click to then instantly see your favourite and bookmarked pages

My Lists

All of your data in simple to view, search and edit lists


Import & Export options and other useful processes